International NGOs Warned the South Korean Human Rights Crisis in the Coronavirus Outbreaks

Good day to you!

Every single day, victims of the COVID-19 have been increasing throughout the world. I heard that one case was reported in Timor-Leste a few days ago, while the number of patients is increasing in neighboring countries. I hope that there is no more case in Timor Leste and I hope that you will stay in healthy.

As I have mentioned previously, I am joining in the Fight Racism Campaign, that is, related to COVID-19. Races, religions and countries are affected by this pandemic. It has became an issue at large.

Many people suffer from racial discrimination daily. The discrimination has been happening and even there are some people with the audacity to spray disinfectant on others who have Asian facial features. In return, they yell in responses like “I do not have the virus!”

Concerns have been raised about human rights violating in my country, South Korea, as attention locally and international media was directed at a religious organization called ‘Shincheonji Church of Jesus(Shincheonji)’. The reason is that there has been an exponential increase of COVID-19 confirmation cases within the Daegu church branch.

Some South Korean local government officials have attributed the responsibility to the church and numerous Korean media reports lashed at Shincheonji Church without any fact-checking. NGOs around the world began to raise their voices regarding the need for international support about human rights in the country.

Shincheonji Church stated that human rights violation issues in relation to COVID-19 have exceeded 7,000 cases, including lost of jobs and denied medical treatments on the grounds of their own faith. This is in spite of not being infected by the virus. Furthermore, some members have died due to familial persecution.

We should not be biased towards people. In such situations, we should raise our voices to play our part as an educator or as a delegation of a civil group.

This discrimination happens because of being poorly educated of the COVID-19 facts.

You are also working for people in the local community. Not only COVID-19 but also abomination and discrimination are threatening individual lives, especially women and youth, in South Korea. This world can exist base on the principle of respect for individuals. Respecting for one’s life and human dignity is an essential value to overcome this situation.

The opposite of word ‘PEACE’ is not only war but also hatred, confrontation amongst regions and religions, as well as distorted views. To achieve a peaceful world, we do need to ensure that the society is capable of promoting harmony and respect of diversity.

We are undergoing human calamity in this global pandemic. Having a correct understanding, we can find a solution to cope with this global disaster.

All people have the right to human dignity beyond a virus infection.

For such a reason, I share this statement. Now is time to play our role.

First of all, we should stand together as one in order to fight COVID-19 instead of discriminating against any individual or group.

This email is not on behalf of ‘Shincheonji’ or ‘HWPL’.

With the Fight Racism Campaign, I personally ask you join in forces to stop hatred among people.

The statement also focuses on violation of human rights. I think that this is also similar in your working field.

So, I also attached the statement and press release. Please do share this on your end.

[Press Release] International NGOs Warned the South Korean Human Rights Crisis in the Coronavirus Outbreaks(1)

Statement_Coronavirus and Shincheonji_Stopping the Witch Hunt_200229

I think that you know some journalists, press, radio broadcasting stations well.

Could you deliver the Press Release and the Statement I attached?

Or could you post the Press Release on your social media(Facebook, Twitter) to promote to the world.

I hope to receive your positive reply.

Lastly, please do take care and be in the pink of health.

Best Regards,