FONGTIL Hamutuk ho NOC Hala’o Audénsia ho Vice-Reitora Assutu Estudantil no Pro-Reitór Assutu Kooperasaun UNTL
Iha Loron 10 fulan Maiu tinan 2024, Sekretariadu Forum ONG Timor-Leste (FONGTIL) hamutuk ho National Steering Committee (NOC) Marka Audénsia ho Exelénsia Vice-Reitora Asuntu Estudantil UNTL Sra. Ligia Tomas Correia no Pro-Reitor Asuntu Kooperasaun Sr. Tomé Jeronimmo Xavier hodi ko’oalia kona-ba preparasaun Ba ASEAN Civil Society Conference/Asean People’s Forum (ACSC/APF). Audénsia ne’e hala’o iha Sala Video Konferénsia UNTL Kampus Central, Díli ho objetivu hodi informa kona-ba ACSC –APF ne’ebé sei hala’o iha Timor-Leste.
FONGTIL And NOC has Joint Meetings with the Vice Dean of Student Affairs and the Pro-Rector Cooperation Affairs of UNTL.
On May 10th, 2024, The Timor-Leste NGO Forum (FONTIL) and National Steering Committee has joint meeting with the Vice Dean of Student Affairs of UNTL Mrs. Ligia Tomas Correia and the UNTL Pro-Rector Cooperation Affairs Mr. Tomé Jeronimo Xavier to discuss about the preparation for the ASEAN Civil Society Conference/ASEAN People’s Forum (ACSC/APF) at UNTL Conference Room Central Campus of Díli regarding to the (ACSC/APF) that will realize in Timor-Leste.